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    Europe & Africa

    Cray Valley S.A.)
    Usine de Carling Saint-Avold
    BP90290 / RN 33
    57508 Saint-Avold CedexFrance

    Tel: +33.387.91.74.22 ext. 5


    Cray Valley
    569 24 1/4 Road
    Grand Junction, CO 81505 – USA

    Tel: 800-344-3462


    Cray Valley HSC Asia Limited
    Chemical Co., Ltd.
    Room 2909-10,
    Goldlion Digital Network Center
    No. 138, Ti Yu Dong RoadTianhe District, Guangzhou 510620 China

    Tel: +877.871.2729

Bio-Based Resins

Cray Valley also develops and expands its bio-based Krasol® F product range by incorporating farnesene, a C15 monomer originated from sugar cane wastes. Farnesene, thanks to its unique brush structure and hydrophobic properties, is suitable for cosmetics applications, adhesives, and rubber applications and benefits from a fossil-free composition.

Discover Bio-Based Resins

Product Description Appearance 1,2 Vinyl (wt. %) TDS

Krasol F3000

Hydroxyl-Terminated Polyfarnesene 3000 40

Krasol F3100

Hydrogenated Hydroxyl Terminated Polyfarnesene 3000 0

*Available dispersed on powder carrier at 65-70% active

 Certified renewable feedstock available

 US FDA compliant for use in food contact materials.

Contact us for more information regarding limitations and suitable uses.